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Sunday Services

At St John's we always want to be learning more about what it means to be followers of Jesus—whether we are adults or children. The services are fully grounded in Scripture and there is always a sermon, or talk, which hones in on a section of the Bible.

9.00am Holy Communion

The 9.00am service is almost always a service of Holy Communion, and tends to be quieter. Refreshments are served afterwards in the church lounge.

11.00am Morning Service

Families with young children tend to come to the 11.00am service.

  • Children aged 3 - 6 will go out to Adventurers 
  • Children aged 7 - 11 go out to Springboard during the sermon.
  • Babies and toddlers: We love to hear children in church! But we know that sometimes parents and carers can feel they need a little time out. So there is space available in the church lounge throughout the 11.00am service if you are struggling with a little one. The service is relayed into the lounge so you can keep up with what is going on

St John's has a Chinese Fellowship, and at the 11.00am Sunday service there is always someone who simultaneously translates the service into Cantonese. If this would be useful to you, please speak to one of the welcomers as you arrive.

There is parking in the church grounds. You are very welcome to come and join us!

Planning your Visit