Overseas Connections
Albanian Evangelical Mission
The Albanian Evangelical Mission works with Albanian-speaking people in and around Albania and Kosova. It supports churches, pastors, church-planting and evangelistic enterprises. Our link is through Fiona Earnest who visited us in February 2022 and will continue to visit us, along with other churches in West Cumbria, each year. Fiona travels at least annually to Albania and each visit she will give a good report on how the gospel is progressing in these newly-Christian countries.
You can pray for AEM’s work by going to the AEM website and signing up for the monthly Prayer Update. A bi-annual Newsletter is also available with news in greater depth along with accounts of current work in Albania, Kosova and Macedonia.
Mountain Springs Ministry (International)

Sharing the gospel among the Pashtun people in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Leprosy Mission

Leprosy is a preventable and treatable disease. But where it is left unidentified and untreated it devastates lives and communities. TLM is a globally significant Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy, particularly in countries in Africa and Asia where people are badly affected by leprosy.
“We partner with governments, churches and other organisations. Most importantly, we work with people affected by leprosy to achieve our vision—leprosy defeated, lives transformed.”
Each year Paul Moores from TLM visits us with an update and recent news.
Lamb Healthcare Foundation - Bangladesh
Relieving poverty, sickness and disability by providing healthcare and education.
LAMB Health is a Christian charitable trust founded and registered as a UK charity in 2003 - number 1101217. It takes its name from the LAMB Project in North-West Bangladesh and was set up by supporters in the UK who wish to see LAMB and its vision continue to develop.
ndrew and Bethanie Walker
Andrew and Bethanie live in Argentina where Andrew is pastor of an Anglican church in Mendoza. They are supported by Crosslinks. You can find out more about them, including their blog and prayer letters, here.
Andrew and Bethanie and the family will be coming to see us early 2023. Make sure you read their latest update in the St John's 2022 annual report.
n Christian
Ann Christian has recently returned to Whitehaven to live as she continues to work for SIM in personnel, people care and mobilization for teams in Asia. You can learn more about SIM here.

Romuald Lasnes (International)

Romuald is an Assistant Pastor in the north-west Paris suburb of La Garenne-Colombes. Romauld's dream is to be part of a church planting team in the Paris area and to see new communities of believers being born. Romauld is a missionary with the European Mission Fellowship.
Ben and Liz Griffin (UK)
Taking the gospel to the unreached through using mobile technology and equipping workers. They write: "Two-thirds of the world's population have mobile devices. In Burkina Faso, 14 million (out of 20 million) have mobile

phones. How can we take advantage and make the message mobile?"
Ben and Liz are missionaries with UFM Worldwide and based in the UK. Their three children in the picture are Joshua, Luke and Hannah.
An article on Ben and Liz's involvement in 100Fold (technology based ministry) can be found