Part 25 - Promises not Slogans
The phrases that are fed to us, can feel fleetingly comforting, but after a while bitter.
'You've got this!'
'Good things ahead!'
'Together we CAN!'
'Reach for the stars!'
'We will prevail!'
When you stop and think about them, they are only so helpful. After all,
what are they based on?
As a friend once said, if I am dying of cancer, do you not have something
better for me?
Maybe I can do these things; but maybe I am flat on my back in a hospital
ward and the world is not within my grasp. Positive thinking has been
shown time and again to have a positive effect (I don't dispute this) but
it is not the same as the words that come from the Living God. The
difference there is that HIS words are promises. Promises are effective,
because of the one who makes the promise and we have to realise at this
time that a mighty fortress is our God. He is the creator and sustainer
and provider. He is true reality and those who come to him, he enfolds in
his power and love. Ultimately death mocks slogans, but the promises of
the God of Bible defeat death.
Can I point you to something that is based in ultimate reality? Jesus
Christ speaks words that are TRUE. When you are flat on your back, he
doesn't just offer a few words with good wishes. But he gets down with you
and by his Spirit stoops to your condition. He lives with you in the pain
and as you trust in him, promises to lift you and one day resurrect you
out of it. He is the only one who can do what he says forever.
Jesus: 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me
will live even though they die.'(John 11:25)
'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' (Hebrews 13:5)
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
him' (Romans 8:28)
Brothers and sisters, let's take a hold of these promises today and invite
others to make them their own. May the Holy Spirit make them real to us.
Si Walker, 13/04/2020